
it's funny now, 
how when I looked into benches in my terrace, all the scenes are rewinding 

there, on the bench, we talked about everything
there, on the bench, you were joking around
there, on the bench, the night temperature wasn't a matter
there, on the bench, you stood up holding a birthday cake
then there, on the bench, you reveal me your dishonest
also surprised me with that funny giraffe
there, on the bench, I slap you then laughing out loud
there, on the bench, you poked me back
there, on the bench, you said you are about to have a college test soon
and now I was saying that so
there, on the bench, I always pick the leaf, chop it, and throw it to you
there, on the bench, you were wondering why did there's no fish in the pond
there, on the bench, you said I'm going more blubbery
then I said you're too thin
there, on the bench, you played my hair
and I always said 'don't be jealous of my hair, cause it grows down, not up like yours'
there, on the bench, we were waiting for the rain off
there, on the bench, we shared our dreams
there, on the bench, silence never harm the convenience


1 comment:

  1. what a memories.
    but remember, memories sometimes kills.
    we have to look forward if we dont want it kills us from the back. hehe
    nice blog btw.



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