too many words to be spread. too many heartbeats to count. and too many feelings to be thrown. that's what i think when i have to described you, dude. i have known you one year ago, yes one year ago, since when i went to our highschool. and i think i pretty know you. we're never that far, and so do never that close before. you're the one i could never forget, i don't know why. being around y never makes me nervous or what, i just comfortable with you. maybe because we've known each other for a pretty long time, but i respect you as my friends i just think you're such a best friend of mine, i share my story and all my yells to you. im not waiting for you to say, i even didn't dare to. i don't want to be those optimistic, being with you is just nice enough. letting you know that i do care for you is just what i want to. im not pushing you to claim or underlining our relation. i just want you to know, and want me to know that you do. it's all unpredictable, im letting it flows as the time goes. settle my mind to the nothing to loose mode, but then you did say. thanks for what you've done :) now, im still wondering, how would this life be when there's no you inside my lifetime page... too many words to be spread. too many heartbeats to count. and too many feelings to be thrown... yes it is.
hey, i just heard this song&&suddenly just loove it <3<3
owl city - saltwater room I opened my eyes last night and saw you in the low light Walking down by the bay, on the shore, staring up at the planes that arent there anymore I was feeling the night grow old and you were looking so cold Like an introvert, I drew my over shirt Around my arms and began to shiver violently before You happened to look and see the tunnels all around me Running into the dark underground All the subways around create a great sound To my motion fatigue: farewell With your ear to a seashell You can hear the waves in underwater caves As if you actually were inside a saltwater room
Time together is just never quite enough When you and I are alone, I've never felt so at home What will it take to make or break this hint of love? We need time, only time When we're apart whatever are you thinking of? If this is what I call home, why does it feel so alone? So tell me darling, do you wish we'd fall in love? All the time, all the time
Can you believe that the crew has gone and wouldn't let me sign on? All my islands have sunk in the deep, so I can hardly relax or even oversleep I feel as if I were home some nights when we count all the ship lights I guess Ill never know why sparrows love the snow We'll turn off all of the lights and set this ballroom aglow
Our time together is just never quite enough When we're apart whatever are you thinking of? What will it take to make or break this hint of love? So tell me darling, do you wish we'd fall in love? All the time.
wah saya di tag mbak andooon (addina faizati) :D:D
1. Anda rasa anda hot? yakin lebih hot lapangan basket sekolah saya lah :P
2. Upload gambar kesayangan anda!
3. Kenape anda suka gambar ini? miss my sophomore :} x8 haha kita lagi self timer gitu, eh akunya maju ke depan, trus ke shot -- jadi deh mukaku setengah doang :| eh g nyampe stengah ding hahaha
4. Bila kali terakhir anda makan pizza? sebelum puasa kyknya, PH PH :3
5. Lagu terakhir yang anda dengar? The Used - I Caught Fire :*
6. Apa yang anda buat sambil selesaikan tag ini? ym, sotosop --"
7. Selain dari nama anda sendiri, anda suka dipanggil dengan nama ape? saaapi, om om (yang ini jangan ditiru :|), ukhti hahahay, raaras O:-)
8. Anda seorang yang : baik, ramah, santun, kalem HAHAHA
9. Lagu kesukaan a lot! all american rejects's, all time low - weightless!
10. best food kesukaan anda kebab ahahay
11. sikap yang membuatkan anda stress tugas bertubi tubi --" deadline yg mepet2, yg ga pasti pasti aaaaaaa --a
12. Benda yang harus ada di tas anda hahpe, dohmpet, karet rambut!
13. Fav Color turqouise, ijoh, merah!
14. Tag lagi 6 orang (terserah kalian mau post ato enggak :D)
della pidanti nareswari carkultera wage sae febranneva eleazar riris anindhita izza k afrizaaal adnina hariningrum
soal tambahan:
15. Keinginan yang belum tercapai : banyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak :3
tidak seperti yang dibayangkan. pesantrennya bebas banget :3 ada kajian2 gitu sih, tapi bisa main juga. begadang oke oke aja tuh yang mau tadarus ya tadarus, yang mau uno an yaa uno an haha