
artsy fancy

things me did lately :)
exam over, nothing to do.
while I was waiting my report -__-

this is for Dioooooooh
a good luck piece from me hehe


this is for Sintaaaaa, my classmate
Nina, Sandy, Anna hit my house. Sinta is a person that good at memorising someone's bday, so we want to give her something. We are LACK of money. So me and them decided to make this kinda box-home-alike. Pocket friendly \m/


You're 52 years OLD. please take care of our new junior, they're a bit, ehm, nasty (not all). teach em ya? :p
Okay, ask me what is this. Some guys said it is a Sperm -________- it is tottaly not. It's a WHAAAALE!
*by the way, I heart the red whale, soswehhhhhht*
fin fin fin fin fin
need money money money moneeeeeeeeeeeeeeey
blah $

holding my future

"your future is in your hand, exactly"
said my parents.

I thought that my struggle was enough for this semester. I thought I've tried my best, Iam breaking my leg as it could be. I thought.

I said so as my excuse to them, but they just say, "okay, so then we don't think that work hard is a special thing" "it is what we used to struggle"

I had no more excuse, I'm dying, I'm a waste, I'm dead

"If you said that you've struggle so crazy, but you still got this kinda score, means that you said that you aren't able. Meanwhile, we believe that you're able to get a better score"

This is the first time in my high school stories that they seems so disappointed. So sorry.

At least i've tried. And yes I'm failed here, now, today.
But not that 6 months forward.
I want to reach my star outter this space.

"Back to when we started, losing who we were.

Maybe we should only tip a bottle back to keep us filled up

Back to when we started, losing who we were.

Everybody knows that you'd break your neck to keep your chin up"

Thanks for Nina and Ririe for lit a little candle in my mind :)




Blognya kenapa sih kalo dibuka di firefox bikin emosi aja zz nggak mau nongol tulisan dengan jelas -,- langsung webnya nggak mbentuk ergh


things I've done lately

Rabu kemarin libur hari guru...


jerit hati saya, tapi males banget gatau mau ngapain hari itu. bored to the max zz nggak tau siapa yang bisa diajak pergi juga, males melas banget lah. akhirnya saya lihat tembok kamar saya yang masih kosong. ngebuka2 jendela internetchs, dapet inspirasi deh <3>

about 8 AM, nina came to my house; ask me to made a kind of birthday card for her, ehem, bestfriend :P


I made this (above) on the 3rd year of my JHS; UAN stressed out :pp so, I sticked it to my wall

Then, my last work of the day; a greeting card for my door :D
after making those artworks, I felt that this holiday sweat a worth. I love that feeling :-) then I go swimming, alone! so I could be focus and laaaast, craving for j.cool! yeah



moody; abstract mind, bourdained of thoughts
disorientation; nowhere to go, confused by ourselves
labile; sensitive? easy to explode when given a shake

those are three words that I've learnt in this November rain.
how about you? :)

p.s: 2 months&i knw y better :p amin


lunatic insomniac

ah akhir2 ini jadwal tidur saya berantakan! apa2an deh ya, tidur jam 8 malem, bangun jam 12, tidur lagi jam 3, bangun jam 5, sekolah...........

muka saya kayak orang teler.

bener deh. memble gajelas tiap pagi. dan situasi seperti ini bikin emosi jadi fluktuatif, naik turun, panas dingin, kayak lagunya katy perry gitu dechtsss. ah gapenting. yang jelas, sekarang saya sedang teler berat pengen tidur, tapi eh apa daya mata ga bisa shut down. yaudah as usual buka komputer, dibanding buka fisika :B ditambah lagi, hari - hari libur buat hibernasi malah saya buat jadi hari hari capek.

ngeluh itu nggak bagus, saya tahu persis

tapi ya gimanaaa. saya sedang sedikit depresi sama jam tidur saya. ini aja saya belum mandi loh -,- tidur dari jam 5an sore trus bangun jam setengah 12 malam, gimana mau mandi? malah rematik tulang keropos ohno maan :O --lebay

wah gimana ini gimana ini pengen liburan tapi seminggu lagi mid. ah gatau waktu dan tempat banjeheeeets deh saya. ah emang yg namanya orang gapernah puas kali ya wouwo.
ah tapi yaudah deh, jadwal nggak karuan ancur gini, mumpung masih kelas 2 haha inget - inget deh besok kelass tiga udah gabisa ngapa2.

"jadi robotnya uan, belajar - les - pembinaan - try out."

argk. mndingan ikut acara2 raceto kayak di kelas dua :B manfaatin waktu. sma cuman 3 tahun sayangnya -- stressing but also enjoyable. i hope :)

straight plan for a week forward \m/
nyelesain artikel yang udah berabad - abad incomplete (kita punya 'miyabi project' loh, a kind of a secret prjct :B); pinjem catetan temen secara catetan saya bolong - bolong, kalo lagi niat ya full warna - warni, kalo enggak ya udah tulisan latin gajelas, ruwet begete deh; nonton tontayyy, eh gelah belom prnah ntn sama sekali, penasaran liat hasil latian tmn2 tonti di sekolah :D; pergi kemana gitu yang jelas main, ohemjeh butuh hiburan lalala;

sekilas informasi yang bisa saya berikan di malam, ehem, maksut saya pagi buta ini. im sorry of being a bit lunatic, but this is all i can do. biar nggak stress gitu hlo, nulis - nulis aja yyeyeye



life is a party

belajar ngeBokeh

everything is okay, in the end; if it's not okay, so it's not the end :)

life is a party we have to celebrate, no matter how hard and how damn it was and would be.
life is not damn thing over another, it's damn thing over and over.....................

in the middle of self reconstruction,


picnic; departure

below; read up the map, heil GPS

below, my favourite :3

random shots
22 of September <3>
jatim has a good scenery, doesn't it?


i don't even care if my mom or my sister read this post, and stare me like 'what are you doing' with big eyes and opened mouth

too many words to be spread. too many heartbeats to count. and too many feelings to be thrown. that's what i think when i have to described you, dude. i have known you one year ago, yes one year ago, since when i went to our highschool. and i think i pretty know you. we're never that far, and so do never that close before. you're the one i could never forget, i don't know why. being around y never makes me nervous or what, i just comfortable with you. maybe because we've known each other for a pretty long time, but i respect you as my friends i just think you're such a best friend of mine, i share my story and all my yells to you.
im not waiting for you to say, i even didn't dare to. i don't want to be those optimistic, being with you is just nice enough. letting you know that i do care for you is just what i want to. im not pushing you to claim or underlining our relation. i just want you to know, and want me to know that you do.
it's all unpredictable, im letting it flows as the time goes. settle my mind to the nothing to loose mode, but then you did say. thanks for what you've done :) now, im still wondering, how would this life be when there's no you inside my lifetime page...
too many words to be spread. too many heartbeats to count. and too many feelings to be thrown... yes it is.




mygod. dulu saya mencerca habis2an artis beginian. tapi sekarang saya kena karma --

but this one, it's good y knw. the fashion sense&the clip&the dance are damn good. y should check thisssss out. ohmygohd, kuhl!




my random pict, my one year :]
we're fresh sophomore
me, dika, abel, ami

we're the junior now!

still; dika, me, ami, abel, lina, dias!


sanden; <3

me, ami, echa, fitha, royan, chandra, rifki, manda, arsyi, aldi

put this on deviantart!http://dissa-hellyeah.deviantart.com



my favorite song, for now!

hey, i just heard this song&&suddenly just loove it <3<3


owl city - saltwater room

I opened my eyes last night and saw you in the low light
Walking down by the bay, on the shore, staring up at the planes that arent there anymore
I was feeling the night grow old and you were looking so cold
Like an introvert, I drew my over shirt
Around my arms and began to shiver violently before
You happened to look and see the tunnels all around me
Running into the dark underground
All the subways around create a great sound
To my motion fatigue: farewell
With your ear to a seashell
You can hear the waves in underwater caves
As if you actually were inside a saltwater room

Time together is just never quite enough
When you and I are alone, I've never felt so at home
What will it take to make or break this hint of love?
We need time, only time
When we're apart whatever are you thinking of?
If this is what I call home, why does it feel so alone?
So tell me darling, do you wish we'd fall in love?
All the time, all the time

Can you believe that the crew has gone and wouldn't let me sign on?
All my islands have sunk in the deep, so I can hardly relax or even oversleep
I feel as if I were home some nights when we count all the ship lights
I guess Ill never know why sparrows love the snow
We'll turn off all of the lights and set this ballroom aglow

Our time together is just never quite enough
When we're apart whatever are you thinking of?
What will it take to make or break this hint of love?

So tell me darling, do you wish we'd fall in love?
All the time.



wah saya di tag mbak andooon (addina faizati) :D:D

1. Anda rasa anda hot?
yakin lebih hot lapangan basket sekolah saya lah :P

2. Upload gambar kesayangan anda!

3. Kenape anda suka gambar ini?
miss my sophomore :} x8 haha kita lagi self timer gitu, eh akunya maju ke depan, trus ke shot -- jadi deh mukaku setengah doang :| eh g nyampe stengah ding hahaha

4. Bila kali terakhir anda makan pizza?
sebelum puasa kyknya, PH PH :3

5. Lagu terakhir yang anda dengar?
The Used - I Caught Fire :*

6. Apa yang anda buat sambil selesaikan tag ini?
ym, sotosop --"

7. Selain dari nama anda sendiri, anda suka dipanggil dengan nama ape?
saaapi, om om (yang ini jangan ditiru :|), ukhti hahahay, raaras O:-)

8. Anda seorang yang :
baik, ramah, santun, kalem HAHAHA

9. Lagu kesukaan
a lot! all american rejects's, all time low - weightless!

10. best food kesukaan anda
kebab ahahay

11. sikap yang membuatkan anda stress
tugas bertubi tubi --" deadline yg mepet2, yg ga pasti pasti aaaaaaa --a

12. Benda yang harus ada di tas anda
hahpe, dohmpet, karet rambut!

13. Fav Color
turqouise, ijoh, merah!

14. Tag lagi 6 orang (terserah kalian mau post ato enggak :D)

della pidanti nareswari
carkultera wage sae
febranneva eleazar
riris anindhita
izza k afrizaaal
adnina hariningrum

soal tambahan:

15. Keinginan yang belum tercapai :
banyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak :3

16. Kamu pingin tinggal di mana :




I've got my Ramadhan's spirit back :}
thanks god&&thanks to you, aha

hellyea yeah.

quranku berkarat

di rak itu
ya, disebelah kanan itu
bersampul hijau lusuh tak terjamah

quranku berkarat
ada air merembes
jelas terabaikan
diserang debu
digigit bakteri
dimakan waktu
terkoyak iman palsu

quranku berkarat
tengah meringis
tergerogoti zaman
ditengah bulan ramadhan
dissaa; ramadhan, full moon

iseng iseng dapet ide :]



saya suka sanlat sma 1

tidak seperti yang dibayangkan. pesantrennya bebas banget :3
ada kajian2 gitu sih, tapi bisa main juga. begadang oke oke aja tuh
yang mau tadarus ya tadarus, yang mau uno an yaa uno an haha

saya kangen sinheart, poker, uno <3





don't you ever dare to pretend that I'm fine




no pain, no gain

i don't know about the ending. i don't even want to know. seems like i want it to be like this. don't know how long, and how hurt it would be. i've prepared the drug, now just walk.
im fifteen and in a dizziness. im fifteen and just started my highschool journey back. im fifteen and there's still a lot to do out there. im fifteen and i want to learn. this is one of my way to. we should taste the pain, to gain a learning, to be better.
nothing to loose hahaha



as ramadhan goes by


now it's been 3 days of ramadhan. 3 days of keeping the emotion and hunger

1st day of ramadhan. I spent it all alone zzzz the buka puasa, the tarweh hemmmm. that saturday, what i've been doing is just go to the school doing the 'penerimaan anggota baru'. accompanied the 10th grader to do their booklet.

"dis, how about we do the once year buber today?'
"well idk, guess no. monday better"

i thought that 1st day of buka puasa should be with our family. cause later, there's must be much of other buber rite?

well then, i went home and got my body so tired aand sleepy. and actually my parents would go to my cousin's health-celebration (idk what's the word :B). well im so sleepy and i want to get sleep cause i want to goo to the tarweh with the eyes open -and to not got mad because it takes so loooong time- hm. and so they left me.

so there i am. sleep until adzan maghrib. turn on the Tv and eat all alone. hm yeah i felt pathetic for a second, but i just pretend to be okay and it's work :D then i do the maghrib and board off my house to do the tarweh.

im kind of proud of myself that i can through the day alone. and my tarweh's pray was more, idk, more relaxing.

thanks for the 1st day of ramadhan, actually.




again&again. on the top of the mosque; the al uswah
we're not skipping class. there's no class yeah
me; hera; sri; shinta; tomo; yoga; ardiben; izaaaan


lama nggak posting -____________-
ya ya ya. saya sekarang sudah kelas 11 loh. udah 3 bulanan lah jadi senior nomer dua di sekolah.
saya sekarang juga sudah di kelas 11 ipa 7. bukan di 10.8 lagi :
prtamanya masuk ipa 7, ak smpet mati gaya ngliat orang2nya yg alim2 gitu. sempet ngiri juga sama kelas lain yg anakny rame2 dan udah kliatan kompak. smpet sih ngerasa garing gitu di kelas. smpet juga sm temen2 eks 10.8, menggerundel kenapa harus cepet2 kelas 11, soalnya di kelas gada bolonya hem hem.

semalam sebelum tujuh belasan;

sempet hopeless sih sama kelasku. mau gerak jalan pake kostum apa whatsoever lah. ak pribadi nggak gitu ngurus. siapa yang ikut lomba oyeah juga so what. aslinya sih niat nggak dateng. sampaaaai gayuh, ketua kelas kita sms apa kostum tujuh belasannya. hmm mau nggak mau aku jadi ikutan rewo. ngjak temen2 ikut lah. mnjem kostum blablabla

pagi hari, tujuh belasan;

upacara bndera. habis itu rewo ganti baju&ngajakin anak2 buat ikut gerak jalan. msalahnya, kbnyakan anak2 pada jadi panitia tujuhbelasan hemmmmmm

terik, gerak jalan;

dengan modal kostum seadanya, kita gerak jalan deh. sekitar 12an orang yg ikut zzzz dikit lah. tapi untung kita puny yel-yel yang oke. trus nemuin nama kelas yg asik: MAS PAIDJO haha apasih.

semakin terik, ditengah gerak jalan;

tiap kelas baris urut buat gerak jalannya. ipa 7 dibelakang ipa 6: SI PAINEM. nggak ngrti gimana, tau2 kita udah saling ejek2an kelas gitu :)) bercanda smbil ketawa2. fun banget lah. tiba2 aja kita kompak nyanyiin yel yel kelas haha

hmmm, trnyata lumayanlah kelasku. ipa 7 rocks. mas paidjoooo, hey jogoo! ROFLMFAO
setahun aku bakalan di ipa 7.

semoga menyenangkan :)





currently listening to: ALL AMERICAN REJECTS - IT'S ENDS TONIGHT

hey bloggstey! so long that i've been absent from this blog thingie. HAHA

i don't have any idea why i just want to write this night. it's almost 12 at night but whatsoever, LMAO. all I wanna do is just write. hmmmmm
well write may one of my way to express what i think and feel. maybe not one of but only :
honestly, im a kind of an i n t ro v e r t person. i can't tell everybody about my private things. though she or he is my best best friend. i don't know. im a typical of person that hard to believe and give trust to the others. if i told a secret. so it will be just for some people. and some people that i know. that i really know. writing may helps a lot. i can express without saying the true words, the real word or what.
yeah i'm not the one that 'emotionless', 'flat' or some kind like that. if my friends told me a funny joke, i would laugh, laughed out loud. if talking about those humour things, im not in a dfficulty. i'm comfort wif my friend, my school, and we laugh together.
but if y talk about kinds like anger, disappointment, or what........................

" i would rather zip up my mouth and lock it."

i cn't express my true anger clearly. though i was very angry and really cruel inside, what i finally do is just crying alone and felt pathetic by my self. even if i was re-told it to my friend. i will just re-told it with flat emotion. so it's like i'm forgetting the mistake and problems. though for true, i'm not. i was never cried front of my friend. i just burried it for myself. so miserable zzzzzzz so on wif my disappointment expression. i will just being silent and then not energical as usual. just that. no cries. no anger. just yelled............
and last, for love thingie. hmmmmmmmmmm. i'm so complicated in this one. people often called me irresponsive. unrespct. flat one. emotionless or else zzzzzz actually i just don't know how to express -________- but sometimes i just felt like, yeah im comfort with myself. i'm happy with my expression. so what. but other time, i felt so miserable and regretful : and more pathetic that i don't have any bravery to told my friend about this. even just some. i just always rather play safe than doing all extreme. hmme
it's now more than 12 o'clock. i just stare at the LCD and think about this expression emotion thingie. it is right or wrong. hm im still an 11th grader. so why do i have to think? im still young and i just need to continue my life as i like. AAAAAAAAAAAA DON'T KNOW. what the hell yeah


remembering summerswing :)

welcome to the VVVVVVVVIP row :p

haha my sweaty hair :B

i'm wif the peace sign!

i don't know. this night i just got remember to the Summerswing. i just love this event haha well, after those cynical thingie from the alumnus, then those kind of protest from some students, those bad misunderstanding wif another program, almost-boycott, and tons of another 'candy' memories.
first thing we discussed about for this event is just how to make it different, how to make it WOW, and how to give the outsiders another view about our school. that besides those science club, religion club, we still have this, an appreciation for music and art. we just want to show that 'hey, we also have this side'. that's my point of view. first, it just go on so good. all of us were so onfire. we're so excited, to began a new revolution and make people see, the another side.
till it's in the middle. meeting by meeting. discussion by discussion. there's no conclusion on evry of our meeting. it's just filled up by laughing or out of topic things. we're not working together. no feeling. we're not onfire again. we yelled. we talk bad things we don't know. we just unsatisfied and wooried. while another program seems so great, and just work as it used to, we just felt so small. we're very bonded from the outside but empty in the inside. LOL
but lucky us, in the end. very end. in the D Day................ I felt so onfire. two days before the Day, I was totally sickkkkk. totally. I'm on the bed all the time. listen to the slow song, tried to sleep well, so i would have some energy. felt dizzy. coughing. vommit. zzzzz. im just so scared that i wouldn't get into the Day. i just want it so badly. so i ate everything. i drank hot tea, ate those veggies and fruits blablabla. and voila for God sake. thanks. in the Day and D-1 i can attend this event and work as the best as i can :)
although aftr SS 09 was held, there is some, hmm i mean many comments. i don't feel sad. i just like this event. though there're some subjective bad comments from other school or what. i just feel whatever. there're some good comments too, i mean. it's our first time and i thinks we should be focus on the good cmmnts, to move us on. and for the bad ones, that's just for correction and we'd better stay cool than respond it on. just waste the time and energy :p peace all. thnks fr yer respond, but see it again and take a look at yer mirror.
last, i just want to say thanks for all of the crew. thnks fr the mmries anyway. you're all doin' great. and i love my school. and gogogo for 2009.




kemaren kok tidak serasa liburan : padahal ak juga ke bandung, jalan2, shop-a-hopping, berwisata kuliner sampai naik 5 kilo, trus ke bogor main k tmpat sodara blablabla sounds like holiday but i don't feel it at all. @ bdg i feel like i just accompanied my mom to look and find what she needs. and find some jeans for my sister. actually i bought some too but not as much as my mom's and sist's. im a bit tired of following her through round the mall zzz and im not relax because of summerswing is D-10 that time. I feel so irresponsible. Though my body is @ bdg but my mind was escaped away to jogja :
then, it became worse when I just when into the soekarno-hatta airport from bogor. I really want to go home immediately. jam 2,45 ak abis dr rumah makan gitu abis ngrayain ultah bude. langsung maunya k terminal ambil jurusan bogor ke soekarno-hatta airport. eh baru bbrapa menit dr bogor, trnyata MACET BEUT -_________- akhrnya diputuskan naik mobil aja k SH airportnya, biar cepet. dikiranya nyampe tol udah bakal sepi. EH TETEP RAME. mobil udah siput mode-on. gabisa gerak zzzz
milih antara tol grogol atau tanjung priok. krn deket, we chose grogol. okedets kita jalani dgn tabah. eh trnyata nyampe apa itu deket gelora bung karno tetep aja jalannya seret banget maaaaaaan. waktu mulai nunjukkin jam 4an padahal pesawat take off 5,40 (MASIH INGET BANGET). siaaaaaal. mana ibu adik jdi ikutan ngnter k jkt. pdhal yg brgkt cm aku bapak (dgn mksut mmpercepat kepulangan). ksian bgt mereka, ad 2 sepupuku juga yg ngnter, melas kesian. di tengah macet, kita nyalain radio, eh trnyata ADA KAMPANYE SBY : ha terang aja macet, tanpa makan minum kita brtahan di mobil, sengsara. akhrny psawat g mungkn kekejar. it's canceled. uang melayang :''''''''(
parahnya ak keancam gbisa balik secara smua psawat udah penuh. bapak sibuk telpon2 ngedapetin tiket psawat. ak yg tdi masih seneng2 aja lgsg diem degdegan abieZET. gila klo gbisa pulang gmana dong, njuk pie, ak pgen ikut TT ikt summerswing edan wae g kerja, batinku. hoooosh. akhrnya dpet tiket balik, phew. trus abis mkan di mall antah berantah, ak cari hotel dan nginep di jkt, ibu adk sepupu balik k bogor. what the ngiwut banget.
hmmmeeh untung bgt dpet psawat pagi, jdi lgsg bisa k skolah dan see how is TT :B
tidak terasa liburan -.- aftr tht i've to go back gor uny-house. there's rapat akbar blablabla and then h-2 aku sakit : tepar di rumah hmbi banget. abis itu summerswing. abis SS tidur terusssss. my god senin udah masuk. NGIK NGOOOKS



so so so hard to believe, and so hard to be brave. to just hit the lights and stand up when you fall off the ground. hmf ngik ngok. whatever just trying to forget it (at least for a while)

I've been trying a thousand times
To let you know
To let you go
But the phone is dead
I can't reach you



transformer and the day <3

love this movie awr haha but i think the transformer 1 is more enjoyable and good to watch rather than the revenge of the fallen. but, actually both of them are REALLY WORTH TO WATCH. talking about the visual effect, oh my it's really crazy and so damn smooth. I love the plane port part, shit it's so awesome hahaha and then the part when the college girl becoming a robot, it's so unpredictable and just great.

fyi, I just watched this movie wif my bestfriend, ririe on the premiere day <3

lgsg berangkt dr sekolah jam 12an gt abis remed. actually pagi2nya aku udah kaget gitu kok bnyak bgt ank2 yg udah packing + ada bis di skolah. I thought that it was the D-day of PTB (perkemahan teladan bakti). sial banget, trnyata itu ank2 perkap + konsum yg mau bngun tenda. wif folio scrap in my hand, lgsg ajadeh k ruang guru buat nyelesain remed tertunda akibat absen 2 hari -_____- after the remedial(s) Im in a hurry cari2 list barang bawaan buat PTB. gile ak aja baru tau klo besoknya adalah hari H wkt hari itu juga. parah bgt deh z. lucky me, PTB itu lebih kyk KKN dbanding kemah SD SMP yg bawa patok tali etc etc. kita tinggal bw badan makan baju trus ngikutin termin yg udah drencanain buat bakti :D lumayan nyantai lah preparingnya.

okay, back to the transformer thingie. wif highschool uniform, I went to xxi in a rush dan liat antrean yg kyk ular melingkar di pagar pak umar, gile panjang behut. udah hopeless gtu deh. mana tau2 pas mau k pintu ada mas2 yg bilang 'ngapain masuk mbak, udah abis tiketnya!', zeeet males bgt deh. take it easy, kita brdua udah prepare kalo2 emg tiket udah abis kita mau ntn terminator salvation. yaudah kita ngantri aja dgn tabah smbil lirak lirik cari knalan gt siapa tau bisa ttip tiket :D eh what a luck, kita cuman ngantri 15-20 mnitan lgsg dapet seat yg lumayan oke, di K <3 kewl huh?




unlike another day
you see me strange
different pupils way
I'm puzzled
You said you loved me
And I kind of believe that
I'm puzzled
I'm puzzled

the song 'last words' keep round in my head, yeah
just another after-exam effect



satnation, remembering sunday

whoa oh
lagi - lagi ak ngedengerin remembering sundaynya all time low, again and again deh hahaha know what? lagunya bagus banget deh even tthough sbenernya nggak ngerti apasih maksud lriknya, raceto beeng :p aku dapet nih lagu dari temenku. inget sih masihan, jaman2 fs itu zz ak buka profilnya dia trus 'about me'nya ada playlist gitu nah trus ak iseng2 download beberapa lagu di playlist itudeh, termasuk remembering sunday ini. akhirnya aku sukses ngedownload lagu2 itu trus ak dengerin deh, bagus bagus men. padahal actually waktu itu ak nggak kenal gitu sama dianya. siapa kira deh ternyata dia temennya temenku, haha dunia sempit cung. nah pas dia nyaranin buat ngdownload bbrapa lagu itu, ak baru nyadar klo itu dari playlistnya dia wkt itu haha such a weird thing. whoaaaaaa lagunya bagusss yeah. dari gitar pertama tuh serasa menohok haha lagunya bikin emosi beeng meeen, sedih gitu.
hey ya akhirnya ak satnation juga nih - saturday night hibernation - hahahaha asik, bisa tidur2an lepi2an ndengerin lagu blablabla deh. apalagi bsok senin masih ulum jadi saatnation is the only one pleasure deh, ROFL. duh, wish me luck buat exam result deh yaaaa :|


ulum ke laut aja

listening to : the dead 60's - riot radio

hahahaha h-2 selesai ulum nih. and also, it's saturdaaay! like this deeeeh :D
berasa udah nggak ulum lagi, yang mipa udah lewat (duh gaya bener). hem tapi sebenernya aku rada ngeri juga sih sama semesteran kali ini. walaupun rata2 aku begadang terus, (wkt matika tidur jam 1, biologi jam 1, kimia setengah 2, fisika jam 1) aku ngerasa nggak maksi. emang sih aku SKS gitu, belajar pas ujian doang ergk. aaaah ngeri ah ah ah zzz apalagi pas kiimia gitu ak gangerti banget kimia, ngak bakat zzzzz
hem tapi udahlah, udah berlalu, hasil so what tinggal tawakal doang ini -______- skrg kaingkaing ajadeh krik krik krik. gila semesterannya the worst exam i've ever had deh zz
huhuhu h-2 selese ulum ini ak ngrasa mndingan pasrah aja njuk nonton film ngeplurk apa kek gitu ah, semesteran ke laut aja aseeeeeeem... teloooo ah

semoga semesteran ini aku dikasih yang terbaik, amin




entah ini namanya insomnia atau apalah, I woke up this early early morning. Bangun pake kram kaki segala pula --" (BTW I can handle this cramp matter loh, udah biasa z). Jam 4an gitudeh, padahal aku tidur sekitar jam setengah dua belasan malem buat ngelembur deadline majalah sekolah. Hmmffff, I woke up and the computer still turning on, perfectly. Hmme global warming banget ga sih, dengan lampu menyala aku tidur dengan enaknya zzzz whoa ibu maafkan saya sudah berpartisipasi membengkakan tagihan rumahmu. Aku juga tidurnya jelek banget, pake kardigan :| So, mengapa saya bisa tidur dengan situasi ini? z. Jadi tadi malem ak les bahasa inggris gitu, nyampe jam 8an lah. Eh eh guruku yang asli native itu tau tau cerita all about the ghost she has ever seen. Gara garanya temenku nanya ke miss yang umurnya masih 21 itu, 'My friend told me that you've ever seen a ghost', ya mulai deh. Sial banget deh padahal ak mau lembur nyampe malem. Yaudah akhirnya ak putusin buat make komputer yang di bawah, yang terletak di kamar pojok rumahku, It's quite safe and cozy there. Meski bukan kamar tidurku lagi, tapi aku udaah klop gitu sama auranya hahaha
Ya, ak nulis artikel lama gitu kan di kompie, biasa lah, disambi dengan beberapa situs tambahan hihi. Tapi malem kemarin cukup konsen ke tugasnya kok, jadi bisa selesai \m/. Jam sebelasan gitu ak keluar kamar mau tidur. Asemnya semua lampu udah dimatiin kecuali kamar tadi, jadi deh dengan bumbu cerita pas ghost story session tadi, ak otomatis balik ke kamar kerja tadi. Phew sambil terus think positive, ak sok sokan online aja, biar back to reality gitu ceritanya. Kalo ak udah mulai takut gitu, ak biasanya dengerin lagu dance/hip-hop/jazz atau apalah yang manusia banget dan jauh dari makhluk2 begitu. Buka plurk juga bikin ga takut karena banyak temen2 yang ngepost thread gamutu bikin ngakak deh.
Hoh dari kemaren deh, pasti tidur jam stgh 12an mulu. Emang tugas akhir semester gada ujungnya, banyak banget. Mungkin ini alesan aku dibangunin jam 4 kali ya, biar bisa ngerjain tugasku yang lain. Pertamanya bangun sih kaget takut gitu, tapi abis itu denger suara adzan kok kyk aman gitu ya. Ini kyk wake up call aja, keren banget deh, apallagi inget kalo ntar itu olahraga jam ke nol, atau musti nyampe sekolah jam setengah 7. What a big luck deh buatku.
My lucky insomnia hahaha



bigger window : the net

currently listening to : the SIGIT- new generation

snap snap snaaaaaaaaaaap!
ceritanya nih kemarin Sabtu ak satnite sambil nonton the SIGIT gitu. pdahal aslinya sih mau nonton acara jazz fest gitu, tp karena kbetulan mb med mau nebengin, yaaa aku milih ntn sigit aja hahahaha lagipula ak jg lg pgen jingkrak2 :3
waktu pas udah nyampe venue, ada yang menarik tuh. begitu masuk abis di cap, ak masuk jalan keliling2 gitu bareng mb med kakak klasku gitu. nah disitu ak ngerasa rada aneh aja. gatau kenapa ak ngerasa familiar sama org2 yang ada dsana. semacam 'weh, inikan ini', 'loh, kyknya ak pernah liat deh' dan blablabla. banyak banget deh, selain emg org yang aku kenal langsung, banyak banget deh muka - muka familiar di kanan kiri. padahal ya, klalo dipikir Kridosono kan gede juga zzz
well, ternyata kakak kelasku itu jg ngerasain hal yang sama. abis dipikir2, wajar aja lah kalo ternyata kita kenal tampang2 tadi. bukan karena emang ngeksis naudubilah atau sok bereksis atau gimana. tapi simple aja, because of : facebook -______- ga ngerti juga, ini bisa dibilang efek bagus apa buruk. karena akunya yang krg krjaan nginget2 temen fesbuk apa orang jogja itu itu doang bzz yang jelas ak ngerasa inilah pngaruh dunia maya gitu (ceilah).
kalo pndapatku sndiri sih, efek bagusnya adalah yaa kita jadi bisa tmbah kenal bnyak orang gitu dan tau apa aja yg lagi happening, secra kan skrg bukan buku doang yang jndela dunia. kalo buku jendela, si internet mah udah jelas gerbangnya gitchu (lebih gede critanya). jadi yaa, kita jdi tau bnyak hal trmasuk orang2 itu tadi. cntohnya aja nih, kmrn tmenku crita 'eh tdi brusan aja ak knalan lgsg sama *si A*, pdahal di FB udah wall2an sok ngakrab gitu'. nah ini yg ak mksud mmperbanyak tmen gitu. selain emg mengakrabkan kenalan hem hem hem
buruknya nih, ga semua orang mau nyapa atau kenalan 'beneran' sm org di dunia maya tadi. padahal maybe aja di dunia online itu tadi ud sok berakarab ria seakan teman lama. jadi yaa, cntohnya sih ak sndiri, udah sok sok berwall gitu, tp pas ketemu diem aja. emang sih, butuh kbranian buat nyapa duluan apa gimana. tpi kan aneh gitu yaa, sok kenal gitudeh kesannya zzz tp emg kyk yg prnah dbahas di koran2, kalo di Indo msih mnding banget, dimana prtemanan di the net itu bsa dlanjutin di dunia asli. yg dtakutin kn sbenernya : orang2 jadi autis sm dunia sekitar gara2 stuck online doang. jadi intensitas ketemu atau interaksi 'nyata' jadi brkurang gtu gara2 keasikan oh-el. hemm
tp emg net net world itu ud gabisa dipisahin lagi kali ya dari hdup kt sekarang. mulai FS>FB>twitter/plurk/myspace/blog/multiply/ym/msn/mxit blablabla pasti ud prnah kta coba kan? gila deh emang. bru bbrapa taun ada udah bkin perubahan yg segitu gedenya. apalagi situs2 diatas gitu udah ada saluran mobilenya. makin gmpang ngakses ajadeh. jadi bnyak orang yg sok ngeksis dan bangga bngt bisa eksis di net net world, pdahal di dunia nyata autis gitu, mngkin ini yg dtakutin media kali ya, hmmmmeee




Dis, Sapi, Dissa, Gundul, Lambe ergh

30 maret pentiiing banget! 20 juni kece 8 juni 23 MEI 2009

blog, ngerjain kimia, nggrundel, ngeplurk

listening music! jump, ride my grandpa's old bike <3

teman seperjuangan dulu, my design teacher LOL

macbook, slr, cellphone, mentahan juga oke :D

capturing picture, doodling, main sobyong, listen to music

bali! hawaii! NYC japaaaaan

frestea greentea yeah

dompet, hape, flashdisk, karet rambut

blue yell-o red green

nowhere with my friends

ortu keluarga temen lomo!


my blog sotosop my lomo HANDPHONE

she and him - why do you let me stay here, the sigit - save me <3

birthday, yesterday, last friday :)), tomorrow

doodling, reading, riding bike then get fall hahaha, refuse to eat! yeay

mas izza deh, shuluuuuh hahaha!

gada kerjaan maaaan :p



currently listening to : SID feat Shaggy Dog - Jika Kami Bersama

yeah yeah yeah, basi sih aku baru suka sekarang sama tuh lagu -.- lagunya bagus trnyata haha kalo ngedengerin jadi mbayangin kekompakan gitu. yang bener2 brotherhood sejati gitu deh, kumpul bareng2, berjuang sama sama, seru2an bareng, bebas dan lain lain zzzzzzzz
daaaaaaaan itu sangat menohok ya, in my status quo right now, rasanya pengen banget rewind ke masa masa ak di kepanitiaan umum awal tahun lalu. pengen banget, ak bilang. dulu kayaknya seru, ngefeel banget deh pokoknya asik.
di semester dua ini ak included in suatu program umum yang ak pikir seru banget. I think it'll gonna be the most challenging, exciting , interesting organization. I looked from the people included there, they were seems so cool and fun. We made this great concept, this goood title and tagline and blablabla. I was so happy to be part of it, in case I was ffelt a bit unignorable there. I tried and tried to built my confidencies, to spoke up what is my idea, though I never felt so comfortable there, I tried to be. Because of why? Because I was loving this event so much.
Till I can't be able to keep this boredom, this shit-evil-thoughts to be locked in my own heart anymore. I was freaking out. I felt I'm invisible. In every forum they made. I hate this feeling, this rubbish situation. Maybe I'm too immature and egoistic to face this. Yes I'm over react, just a big load of rubbish that can't do anything. But here, I have this spirit, I have this hope for this things. Hm but yeah I don't even know whether I still have those spirit z. And I do the efforts. I do my job, ladies and gentlemaaaaan. Hey guys, yeah I'm a sophomore, I'm a rookie. I'm nnnot as great as my partner that included in those what is that school org or what. But hey please, I want to be visible in your eyes. I want to speak up an hear what's the newest matter from this event. Yes sir I'm a rookie but I had this big vision spinning in my head. Huh scheiss. Yeah maybe I'm too hyperbolic in here, but heeeey this is just my opinion and this is what I've felt.
Beside this rude cruel smothering matter, I've finally found my own world. Where I can speak up and show my idea. Where there people noticed what I've said. And where I can make my own great team and build our case together. Thanks God for giving me this little oase inside the huge silly dessert z.

*bad english, haha so what


hey there

hey there,
I miss all of our dream
when we stared out together
our plan for the future
and our chit chat about this complicated life

hey there,
where you've been
may you don't even care about me
about all the castle we've built inside our brain

now we're the different person
we're go strike the through with our
own ways
you with yours
and me with mine

you hate the rule, you break it
I hate the rule, I do it
I try to be this acceptable
may now I'm going to be naive, being this fake

you groan all the time
I scream out loud
then I try to harmonizing every different mosaic
every another aspect we crash
where're you my dear fellas?
you don't even remind me when I'm losing out this thought
you hang me on this matter, alone

dear you, I miss you and all of our big kite on the sky

blah z


not a sunmorning lol

yeah it's holiday time again and again \m/ pun bsok bkal ada hri kjepit, jumat, so whaat lah. yg pnting ada libur. haha.
nah, last sunday I went to the sunmor at ugm. okay, don't call it sunmor because I went there from Adis's home at 9 am and the sun was super duper bright!

1. Adis's HooomeAdis is my neighbor. Ini ceritanya krg krjaan njuk moto2 gajelas zz I captured this, kyk debu2 gt yg kna sinar matahari, ceilah. Nah yaaa, ak yg prtama nyampe rmah dia loh, j stgh 7an \m/

2. Parking Area
abis nunggu lama be-eng di rumah adis, kita nyampe juga k sunmor yg masih rame. smbil nunggu si Yoga dtg + Tomo k kmar mandi, kita trial foto2 gtu di tmpat parkir, ngetes2 dll gajelas pk kameranya lala. everybody were moaned and groaned about the sun that day zz panaas bgt --" mana lama pula tuh 2 org dtg

3. EATyeaaaay! we finally eat eat. stelah g kuat nahan laper, kita nemuin ini warung tenda biru, ceileh. mygoood, ak kyk ank ilang gt. korban self-timer hrrr. scara ak yg nytel gt yaa, njuk g ready to be picted -.-

4. Sing!biasanya klo d sunmor kan ad org2 yg ngamen gt, kbanyakan bences gt. nah klo yg kyk gni ak blm prnah ddtengin. scara kmrn kbanyakn big group gini ngeskip kta, tkut g dksi duit kali ya, scara kita remaja kere look-a-like -_______-

5. Splashing money!
abis kenyang, kita jalan ngalor-ngidul gt. tau2 nemu pdagang kaki lima gt, jual gelang inkubator apalah namanya itu with plenty plenty of coloooours (yg sbnernya ud pasaran beut)! singkat cerita kt smua ud beli, tinggal tomo yg lamaaaaa-a-a beut milih2nya, seabad sndiri deh. hrganya 2rban gt, njuk kita tawar 5rb 3, apa bdanya coba? hem

6. HEY SNAKE!with camera in hand, we entered the campus field. nah dket situ ada skumpulan org gt bawa ular. their size were sooo big! vivin sm adis sok nyoba2 megang gt, tp mreka malah geli sndiri, kyk bantal dngin gtu sih zz FYI ularnya it mreka pelihara + dtemuin sndiri hlo z

7. Meet the Eden

aduh lebay ya judulnya hehehe tp emang spotnya gahul beut. dngin gt, brasa di cool foreign country gt zzz trus tmpatnya mnurutk timeless, brasa jadul dsana. mana kmrn lg g bnyak orang lewat, puas self timer hahahaha :B

8. LEAAAVEjam 12an gt kita balik deeeeeeeh. tapi tujuan utama unacomplished : cari semacam stroberi yg dikasih coklat2 itu, apa itu namanya :B

okaaaay, then ak nonton case of benjamin buttonnya brad pitt gt d rumah adis. pulang j 5 -.-
what a
