TYT gawl? hha iya lah TYT gahul bgt
TYT itu Teladan Yelling Team haha itu buat DBL gitu, jadi kebentuknya accidentally! Jadi sbagai syarat ikut DBL, msti ada tim yel yel yaaa semacam cheers gitu. Aslinya pgen cheers standard, cewek2 gitu. Tp apa kata mbak2 ntar? haha nyolot klo tau2 ada cheersnya. Akhirnya kita bkin kyk Yelling Team, isinya cowok semua. FYI, mereka nggak mau dpanggil POM POM BOYS. So we gave it name : TELADAN YELLING TEAM. Me as a coreographer with ririe excited bgt! Trus mulai deh, kita ngumpulin, nawarin ke anak2 cowok biar mau jadi yellling team. Akhirnya ada 8 orang yang mau ikutan, ada yang ogah - ogahan, ada yang malu, tapi ada juga yang excited. H-2/3 DBL gitu, mereka barusan first meeting ma latian langsung. And WHOA, mereka semua langsung ngedong dan apal gerakannya! Padahal ak yg nyoba latian dri kmaren aja gbs zzz
H-1 aja bru beli kostum gityuuuu. Pake celana batik malioboro gitu, trus kaos item ma singlet putih di luaaar hahahaha. Akhirnyaaaa, mereka semua excited <3 style="font-weight: bold;">gabisa nonton huhuu. Soalnya besoknya mid + ak gaboleeeeh mygoaaaat. Ga seru bgt! Nah trus next performnya merekaa di hari Selasa jam 6 sore gitu. Dan lagi - lagi sialnya besok midnya malah KIMIA FISIKAA. Wah gamau bunuh diri ak. Tapi tetep aja ada temenku yg nonton. Salut bgt deeeeh!
But, talking about supporteer, ak rada sedih juga nih. Kenapa yaa, rasa kekeluargaan anak2 sekolahku tuh rada kurang. Kita tuh miskin supporter gitu lah. I miss our bond in SOLO for JINGLE DARE. Yang kita bener2 ke Solo bareng2, naik motor, mobil, mpe kereta cuman buat nyuporterin Jingle Dare yang maju kesana. Artinya apa? Artinya sebenernya kita tuh bisa kompak, bisa bener2 kayak keluarga. fufu. Pdahal ya, sebenernya pas DBL itu lmayan ada yg dateng, tapi bener2 gada kesadaran kayak 'Wah, sekolahku mau tanding nih, ak nonton ah', atau 'Eh dukung skolah kita yok! Rame2 nonton, ntar kita bikin yel yel!' yang ada juga 'Ah males ah, ntar gada yang ndukung jugaan' ataupun 'Halah, ngapain sih, paling juga kalah' atau yang paling parah 'Weh, DBL tu apa he, weh sekolah kita ikut?' zz ayo kawan kawan kita support sekolah kita! loh
tapi disisi lain I keep tryin to proud of my school lah because it's such a nice and good school

aneehnya, mid semester 2 ini ak lebih nyante bgt dbanding mid semester awal. mungkin udah biasa ma ritme (bahasanya meeen) soal - soal yang ihwaw susah. Klo dulu wktu SMP, nyesel banget kalo mpe ada soal essai maupun pilihan ganda yang kosong, ssekarang mah pasrah aja. Banyak temen yang bilang klo mereka cuman nulis ulang soal, trus dkasih 'diket diket' gitu, ma tulis rumus hemmm bahkan yang paling ekstrem tuh ada yang lembar jawab MTKnya cuman ditulis nama. Dia bahkan bisa seminggu nggak masuk sekolah, dan kalo dateng, masuknya telat masyaallah. Memang sih, temen ak yg satu itu udah ada pegangan, jadi msalkan aja di DO dari skolah yaaa, udah bisa cari duit sendiri, lah scara dia itu webster hacker dan semacam semacam itu lah, sampai ke bandung buat jadi pembicara di seminar IT IT gitu.
Tapi lain kepala lain pikiran ya (ya iyalah). Ada beberapa anak yang emang Study Oriented bgt. Kayak temen sekelasku, dia nggak suka ma hal hal yang berbau organisasi yang bakal nyita waktu dia belajar. Beda banget ma ak yang yaaa seneng seneng aja ikut program2 OSIS yang rame dan nambah pengalaman itu. Dia aja hampir keluar klub KIRnya loh, gara gara pengen konsen ke Olimpiade Matematikanya. Ak kan sempet liat bukunya yang jdulnya kurang lebih semacam 'Buku Panduan Olimpiade Matematika' :-B, trus ak nanya "Nggak pusing apa baca kyk ginian mulu ras?", "Bukan pusing, tapi bo-sen". Gundul anda, batin saya. Gahul bgt sih, mpe bosen saking seringnya ckck.
Ada juga temenku nih, yang saking sibuknya berorganisasi, smpe hapir g prnah ikut plajaran Bu Narni selama sebulan. Ada ajalah acaranya dia, dari program kecil mpe nyari - nyari tanda tangan. Hem. Tapi disisi lain ada juga tmenku , sebut X, yang nggak suka ma sekolah, nggak bangga, dan nggak niat jadinya. Kalo sekolah hampir ndaud gitu. Awal - awal sekolah sih yaa sering main gitu di sekolah. Lama - lama jarang banget ak liat dia. Trus si Y, yang pernah mpe tahap 'kalo ga bolos kayak ada sesuatu yang ilang'. wow.
Aduh jadi ganyambung ya, dari ngomongin mid, jadi karakteristik orang2 di sekolah saya haha dibilangin juga lagi sarap gara gara kemaren abis mid FISIKA KIMIA DALAM SATU HARI !
too night
yeah, tonight is just too night and I am still awake :D
tonight I'll be the director! aha! this is my show :
da da da da........!
my computer board screams at me : HEY THIS IS 12.48 AM!
my brain worked out : WHAT DO YOU DO? Just realize, your body is snoring out
my feet rolled their eyes : Hmph, it's boring and tiring, yew know?
my fingers yelled at me : Oh GOD!! We need a rest. This girl is crazy!
my pants : speechless, hoahm
my eyes worked so hard : Please please please! Those colors and lights are making us going crazy! I just can't resist that. Oh no
my throat zipped out : mmmmmmmm-mad. Mm-y vvo-ice is g-g-gon-ne
and finally... (1.01 AM)
my mouth yawned : hoahm
my finger pushed in start button and selected 'Shut down'
my right hand closed up my yawning mouth
and my left hand touch the night lamp on button
my feet walked me into the room light button and made it off mode
my hands were touching my face
my face was so weird
my left hand were brings out my blanket
and my body just lay down on my bed
then my right hand reached my handphone
my finger touch the Walkman button, sleep mode, and placed it back above my pillow
take position, fly to my dream
finally finally my eyes were closed
and my night dream was just started
tonight I'll be the director! aha! this is my show :
da da da da........!
my computer board screams at me : HEY THIS IS 12.48 AM!
my brain worked out : WHAT DO YOU DO? Just realize, your body is snoring out
my feet rolled their eyes : Hmph, it's boring and tiring, yew know?
my fingers yelled at me : Oh GOD!! We need a rest. This girl is crazy!
my pants : speechless, hoahm
my eyes worked so hard : Please please please! Those colors and lights are making us going crazy! I just can't resist that. Oh no
my throat zipped out : mmmmmmmm-mad. Mm-y vvo-ice is g-g-gon-ne
and finally... (1.01 AM)
my mouth yawned : hoahm
my finger pushed in start button and selected 'Shut down'
my right hand closed up my yawning mouth
and my left hand touch the night lamp on button
my feet walked me into the room light button and made it off mode
my hands were touching my face
my face was so weird
my left hand were brings out my blanket
and my body just lay down on my bed
then my right hand reached my handphone
my finger touch the Walkman button, sleep mode, and placed it back above my pillow
take position, fly to my dream
finally finally my eyes were closed
and my night dream was just started
listening to : cash cash - sugar rush
Hem, i don't know. No comment for this night -.- is it fun, is it boring, is it freshening? I don't have any idea. Let's see. Tonight I went out with my JHS friends (FYI they're a couple). It's been fun, yeah you know. We talked about what happen to our old friends and our high school. A bit nostalgia. We were having enough fun, we ate, and we walked. I am losing my boredom, a little bit. And I just like it. haha miss you all guys. Thanks for your annoynes, your advices, and your ear :-B
Minutes by minutes, we just talked all over about our school (we're in different school). I talked, yelled, about the boredom in my school. Everything's just good, kind, safe and sound. But that's the problem, i thought. that's just not-so-high school. i don't feel like a growing up teenager. i just feel like a, hm, student and worker. i don't feel the high-school-never-end's things. Let me say to you, my high school is a little different. yes, the area, the zone of it, is very comfortable and supportive for all of the student. we have a scheduled time, scheduled program, and a very very good attitude. But, it's normal huh? to got a bit boredom of this very good daily life.
Sometimes, I just felt like I wanna go somewhere, disappear for a moment. Maybe, this is what people said about depressed. At this node, I always remember a quote : God always give you something that you can handle, so don't stressed. It works. It cheers me up :)
Oh god. This is just high school. And high school is just a little part of my whole life. Hm, I'm already entering this part. Maybe I should just enjoy it and taking the happiness of it, because I can't get out of it.
Call me hyperbolic. But this is just a little voice of mine.
Hem, i don't know. No comment for this night -.- is it fun, is it boring, is it freshening? I don't have any idea. Let's see. Tonight I went out with my JHS friends (FYI they're a couple). It's been fun, yeah you know. We talked about what happen to our old friends and our high school. A bit nostalgia. We were having enough fun, we ate, and we walked. I am losing my boredom, a little bit. And I just like it. haha miss you all guys. Thanks for your annoynes, your advices, and your ear :-B
Minutes by minutes, we just talked all over about our school (we're in different school). I talked, yelled, about the boredom in my school. Everything's just good, kind, safe and sound. But that's the problem, i thought. that's just not-so-high school. i don't feel like a growing up teenager. i just feel like a, hm, student and worker. i don't feel the high-school-never-end's things. Let me say to you, my high school is a little different. yes, the area, the zone of it, is very comfortable and supportive for all of the student. we have a scheduled time, scheduled program, and a very very good attitude. But, it's normal huh? to got a bit boredom of this very good daily life.
Sometimes, I just felt like I wanna go somewhere, disappear for a moment. Maybe, this is what people said about depressed. At this node, I always remember a quote : God always give you something that you can handle, so don't stressed. It works. It cheers me up :)
Oh god. This is just high school. And high school is just a little part of my whole life. Hm, I'm already entering this part. Maybe I should just enjoy it and taking the happiness of it, because I can't get out of it.
Call me hyperbolic. But this is just a little voice of mine.
TUC keeeewl!!!
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa you rock guys!
smua panitia keren hahaha
perdek : wow, keren bgt, kalian mpe nginep segala, worth it. dekornya lucu
bankom : little trouble, huh. haha hari H ak juga bankom hloo, pegang HT hehe mendesa. tapi bankom rocks out deh, geloh menggiring kambing kembali ke kandang (baca : menggiiring ank SMP ke aula)
konsumsi : bagusbagus tapi ak g dpet makan nih :|
jagru : krik krik hahahaha tapi kereeeen
acara : mondar mandir g keruan haha selamat acaranya berhasil :D
pendaftaran : sukseeeed meeeeen. sdikit ksalahn d tata nama, tapi salut bener. it worths :))
usaha : pencari uang, amin bgt nih. gada duit yg kurang. kita LABA hahaha
dokum : thanks foto-fotonya haha. apalagi wkt ank2 pda ngrjain, jd g bosen halah
publi : aaaaaa sie saya nih haha thanks vina prima buat desainyya, kul bgt deeeh \m/ yeah g jemput bolaaa :))
everybody were so great. thanks! smuanya kompak meeeeen yeah
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa you rock guys!
smua panitia keren hahaha
perdek : wow, keren bgt, kalian mpe nginep segala, worth it. dekornya lucu
bankom : little trouble, huh. haha hari H ak juga bankom hloo, pegang HT hehe mendesa. tapi bankom rocks out deh, geloh menggiring kambing kembali ke kandang (baca : menggiiring ank SMP ke aula)
konsumsi : bagusbagus tapi ak g dpet makan nih :|
jagru : krik krik hahahaha tapi kereeeen
acara : mondar mandir g keruan haha selamat acaranya berhasil :D
pendaftaran : sukseeeed meeeeen. sdikit ksalahn d tata nama, tapi salut bener. it worths :))
usaha : pencari uang, amin bgt nih. gada duit yg kurang. kita LABA hahaha
dokum : thanks foto-fotonya haha. apalagi wkt ank2 pda ngrjain, jd g bosen halah
publi : aaaaaa sie saya nih haha thanks vina prima buat desainyya, kul bgt deeeh \m/ yeah g jemput bolaaa :))
everybody were so great. thanks! smuanya kompak meeeeen yeah
Adhitia Sofyan - Adelaide Sky
wow, lagunya seru banget, keren, nunjukkin kalo musisi indonesia jg bsa bkin lagu yg keren haha
I need to know what's on your mind
These coffee cups are getting cold
Mind the people passing by
They don't know I'll be leaving soon
I'll fly away tomorrow
To far away
I'll admit a cliché
Things won't be the same without you
I'll be looking at my window seeing Adelaide sky
Would you be kind enough to remember
I'll be hearing my own foot steps under Adelaide sky
Would you be kind enough to remember me
I'll let you know what's on my mind
I wish they've made you portable
Then I'll carry you around and round
I bet you'll look good on me
I'll fly away tomorrow
It's been fun
I'll repeat the cliché
Things won't be the same without you
I'll be looking at my window seeing Adelaide sky
Would you be kind enough to remember
I'll be hearing my own foot steps under Adelaide sky
Would you be kind enough to remember me
I've been meaning to call you soon
But we're in different times
You might not be home now
Would you take a message
I'll try to stay awake
And fight your presence in my head
I'll be looking at my window seeing Adelaide sky
Would you be kind enough to remember
I'll be hearing my own foot steps under Adelaide sky
Would you be kind enough to remember me
wow, lagunya seru banget, keren, nunjukkin kalo musisi indonesia jg bsa bkin lagu yg keren haha
I need to know what's on your mind
These coffee cups are getting cold
Mind the people passing by
They don't know I'll be leaving soon
I'll fly away tomorrow
To far away
I'll admit a cliché
Things won't be the same without you
I'll be looking at my window seeing Adelaide sky
Would you be kind enough to remember
I'll be hearing my own foot steps under Adelaide sky
Would you be kind enough to remember me
I'll let you know what's on my mind
I wish they've made you portable
Then I'll carry you around and round
I bet you'll look good on me
I'll fly away tomorrow
It's been fun
I'll repeat the cliché
Things won't be the same without you
I'll be looking at my window seeing Adelaide sky
Would you be kind enough to remember
I'll be hearing my own foot steps under Adelaide sky
Would you be kind enough to remember me
I've been meaning to call you soon
But we're in different times
You might not be home now
Would you take a message
I'll try to stay awake
And fight your presence in my head
I'll be looking at my window seeing Adelaide sky
Would you be kind enough to remember
I'll be hearing my own foot steps under Adelaide sky
Would you be kind enough to remember me
listen to : pwgskns - welcoming the sophomore
hem, this have been my habit since the GVT things hoaaaaaaaaaa
sleep so lately. like now, it's already 11 pm but im still awake and o n l i n e zzzzz
sbenernya, niat malem ini sih belajar, mau ngrjain tugas bu puji yg 'karangan persuasi' yg sjak 3 minggu lalu ktunda2 :|, tp yaa namanya juga udah sifat lahir ya mau gmana lagi, skalinya ada tulisan d board 'status : connected' yaaa lgsg online haha nah niat sbenerny mau searching materi gtu, eh eh eh lamaa, yaudah akhrnya trketiklah 'www.facebook.com' yaaaa you know laah endingnya gmana. ya bsa ktebak, akhirny ak lbih konsen ma fesbuk, 1 tab buat googling, 4 tab buat fesbuk, 1 tab buat blogging :DD wahwahwah plajar macam apa saya ini ya? udah sering ijin kluar kelas, ratau sinau, eh wktu istirahat buat ngenet, wktu blajar buat tidur. ealahlah mau jdi ap saya nanti? zzzzzzzz
hem, this have been my habit since the GVT things hoaaaaaaaaaa
sleep so lately. like now, it's already 11 pm but im still awake and o n l i n e zzzzz
sbenernya, niat malem ini sih belajar, mau ngrjain tugas bu puji yg 'karangan persuasi' yg sjak 3 minggu lalu ktunda2 :|, tp yaa namanya juga udah sifat lahir ya mau gmana lagi, skalinya ada tulisan d board 'status : connected' yaaa lgsg online haha nah niat sbenerny mau searching materi gtu, eh eh eh lamaa, yaudah akhrnya trketiklah 'www.facebook.com' yaaaa you know laah endingnya gmana. ya bsa ktebak, akhirny ak lbih konsen ma fesbuk, 1 tab buat googling, 4 tab buat fesbuk, 1 tab buat blogging :DD wahwahwah plajar macam apa saya ini ya? udah sering ijin kluar kelas, ratau sinau, eh wktu istirahat buat ngenet, wktu blajar buat tidur. ealahlah mau jdi ap saya nanti? zzzzzzzz
****

oke oke back to reality, jngankan cita - cita, orang mau IPA IPSnya aj ak blm jelas. aaaaaa. so many things that i have to decide. hem, klo diliat dari minat sih, ak dri kcil pgen design hem hem hem tp gatau deh, ak jg g bgitu yakin gtu. yg jelas im not interested of being a doctor at all! i thought it was and it is boring, because everyone just wants that job (idih sok banget eke V). nah nah mkanya, akhr2 ini ak pgen msuk arsitek haha soalny kan ad design2ny juga and i always love building and design, so that's it, ak lbih condong pgen k IPA hmeeeeeee. dan you know what? wktu tes psikologi minat, hsil tes minat prtamaku : SCIENCE. whooaaa bgt, i didn't expect that before. alesan slanjtnya, IPA lbih fleksibel (nahloo plinplan ai), ntar kalo tiba2 ak pgen jd insinyur tp ak msuk IPS kan gbs.. tp yg bkin ak dilemaa, d skolahku tuh klo yg IPS hmpir smuanya sukses msuk PTN whoaaaaaaa. jumat minggu lalu, ad training motivasi leadership ma pnjurusan gtu d skolah. ak kan ikut tuh, siapa tau bner2 bs bkin mantep. but i was wrong. this motivator just making me more confused about the choice i've to decide. what the huh. hemmm there's just still 3 more months to go, three months to think all about this.
pee wee gaskinssssss :)
Todaaaaaaaaay. hem, call me mendesa. but i felt so glad this day! yeaaaaaaah. I met Pee Wee Gaskins and asking asking (sbut aja wawancr) :))
sbnerny nyesel bgt, knapa g kmaren aj wkt sblm episentrum, biar komplet gtu hloo!yaudah, buat plajarn bsok2nya aja. this is our picts! :)




pict 1. lagak ai ma mb wulan sok2 nanya; pict 2. hasem mas vare foto privat, hmme; pict 3. haha sign here please!; pict 4. FB FB FB :)); pict 5. yeah!!!!
eya, ptamanya we thought that they're a bit arrogant. but we were all wrong haha they quiet down to earth and friendly. whoaaa it just a fun to interviewed them
sbnerny nyesel bgt, knapa g kmaren aj wkt sblm episentrum, biar komplet gtu hloo!yaudah, buat plajarn bsok2nya aja. this is our picts! :)
eya, ptamanya we thought that they're a bit arrogant. but we were all wrong haha they quiet down to earth and friendly. whoaaa it just a fun to interviewed them
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